Friday 1st April
Good Friday
I always seem to use butternut when it is going off, you know, when you just have to use it up and can’t leave it another day. It is the wrong time for butternut, and it’s a bit weary from being stored, so it is prone to getting bad bits, anyway, needless-to-say that bit was cut out and chucked. I invented this recipe, and was driven by sheer laziness, what I had to hand was used as I couldn’t be …. to cross the yard to the farm shop to stock up properly. Shocking, but true.
Creamed Butternut & bonus Butternut Soup
Equal quantities of :
butternut (bad bits chopped out), peeled and diced &
potatoes, peeled & chopped
stock cube, organic, chicken, half per person
garlic, half clove per person
water, boiling, enough to cover the veg
Boil for about 20-30 mins until tender. Strain and KEEP stock. Mash, and add:
cream, or crème fraiche, a couple of dollops
It is more of a cream than a mash, very nice with fish and greens – very pretty, good orange colour, beta carotene galore.
Serve the stock (next day) as ‘soup’, seasoned with S&P and cream, really winning….
There was only one thing wrong with these two dishes, there wasn’t enough, it just went… really easy, really quick, really delicious.
Amanda Nantgwynfaen
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