Sunday 29 December 2013

Cranberry Sauce

It’s a Nigel Slater unadulterated original, not too sweet, amazing colour, takes minutes, so easy you wonder why you haven’t done this for years.  Definitely a Christmas tradition to continue.

250g Cranberries
100g Sugar
100g White wine (last night’s cava)
6 ultra-thin shreds of Satsuma skin

Boil up for a few minutes – about 10, don’t stir too much.  Put in Jar.  Keep in the fridge, serve warm - much much nicer than Ocean Spray, and a very lovely colour. 

TIP.  Keep a few berries back so you can put them on the top of the Christmas pudding as our holly NEVER has any berries on it, and real cranberries are much bigger and better (and safer) than poisonous holly berries anyway. 

Excellent with turkey bread sauce, stuffing and sprouts, (and in Brevilles with the aforementioned) but also amazing all year round with chicken, ham, duck and cheese……  

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